We serve, we protect, we reassure with courtesy, integrity and proper respect for the rights of all.
Call us: 1(876) 984-2773

Application Timeline

  • Submit Application

  • Entrance Exam

    Candidates must successfully complete the following evaluation tasks in order move to the next stage.
    • Computation and numerical reasoning skills
    • Language skills aimed at testing candidates comprehension, grammar, mechanics and spelling
    • Narrative writing, where candidates do a written introduction of themselves and provide insights into their experiential background.
  • Antecedent Investigation

    Candidates backgrounds will be thoroughly investigated, and security checks conducted to verify that they meet the criteria for enlistment. This includes the interviewing of a cross-section of reputable citizens, business persons, principals and teachers from schools attended, in addition to friends, relatives and associates of the applicant.
    Applicants profiles (e.g fingerprints) will be checked against existing local as well as international (where necessary) intelligence and criminal record databases
  • Physical Test

    Candidates will be engaged in a physical fitness test to ascertain the level of their physical fitness as it relates to coordination and general agility.
  • Medical Evaluation

    Candidates will undergo a comprehensive medical examination, inclusive of: blood tests, blood pressure check, urine analysis,drug screening, vision test, hearing test and chest x-ray. Successful candidates must be in excellent physical health with the ability to effectively perform the duties of a police officer.
  • Panel Interview

    Applicants are interviewed by a panel of senior officers and members of the JCF Human Resources Department.
  • Psychological Screening

    A Psychometric Test will be administered to evaluate candidates psychological fitness and aptitude for enlistment in the JCF. The main focus of the test is to evaluate applicants personal principles, integrity, and commitment. Candidates may also be subjected to Polygraph Testing.
  • Commence Basic Training

    Applicants will learn police rolls and procedures, laws, firearm training, defensive tactics, drill and community based policing.